Adjusting Well

Well, I seem to be adjusting to life in Winfield pretty easily. Coming off a 4 month vacation of sorts, there are now many things I just didn't have to do for four months--no kitchen duties at all. show up and they will feed me. Then somebody would take my tray, and I'd walk away. Eating there is a social occasion at times, especially dinner 4:15 to 6:30. The negative side is eating off plastic trays and no cups only plastic tumblers for coffee,(It is very nice eating off actual plates) limited choices, specific hours although EDR is open (5 AM) past hot breakfast right through to lunch. On the other side of that, I am enjoying walking into my own kitchen, making spaghetti, or whatever I want. I have really enjoyed making toast in the evening. Seeing friends, playing with my dog. I really missed gardening, too. with the party almost upon us, there is a lot to do. Friends are coming over on Wednesday to get some logs moved into pla...