
Showing posts from August, 2019

Adjusting Well

Well, I seem to be adjusting to life in Winfield pretty easily.  Coming off a 4 month vacation of sorts, there are now many things I just didn't have to do for four months--no kitchen duties at all.  show up and they will feed me.  Then somebody would take my tray, and I'd walk away. Eating there is a  social occasion at times, especially dinner 4:15 to 6:30.  The negative side is eating off plastic trays and no cups only plastic tumblers for coffee,(It is very nice eating off actual plates) limited choices, specific hours although EDR is open (5 AM) past hot breakfast right through to lunch. On the other side of that, I am enjoying walking into my own  kitchen, making spaghetti, or whatever I want.  I have really enjoyed making toast in the evening. Seeing friends, playing with my dog. I really missed gardening, too.  with the party almost upon us, there is a lot to do.  Friends are coming over on Wednesday to get some logs moved into pla...

Geyser Grill Guys and Gals

Here are some other pictures about the Snow Lodge and Geyser Grill from previous blogs, again, hoping they load in the correct place.  Sorry, but this is an abnormally long blog.  I also couldn't get all pictures where I wanted them.  You'll figure it out! I will be entering additional blogs, maybe on a weekly basis discussion on what it's like adjusting to life outside of our caldera.   I want to get my thoughts of working at Geyser Grill...through the rear view mirror, somewhat to log this info and pictures into one piece.  I have always talked about GG - Geyser Grill--in earlier blogs so I wanted to do an entree just about GG.  I could use it as a resume if Shenandoah Valley becomes more than a passing fancy. I arrived April 18, went through orientation, etc and  worked in the dish pit for a total of about 3 days and melted down, admitting I was unable (too old?) so Jim the guy who was training us, had folks coming out of the woodwork to he...

Home safe and sound

Here is it Sunday afternoon and I'm actually sitting gazing over the river, Using a lap top with  speed, listening to the radio and texting on my phone.  Most of that wasn't possible most of the time while I was in YNP.  Radio only online, not through the air.  The wonders of technology. My trip home was uneventful, thankfully.  Rose and Steve took me to the Bozeman airport, again, thankfully.  I thought I was cried out from the night before at the  party. Wrong, But that is who I am.  I laugh easily, and I cry easily. Deb, her hubby Michael along with Theresa, a buddy visiting from Michigan. (I just can't get away from tourist) picked me up at Harrisburg Airport.  All the way home I kept saying, Oh, my how green, Flowers in pots and in gardens and trees with leaves that don't all look alike. Also, on the way to winfield, we stopped for some real honest to goodness HOAGIES. Oh my.  It is good to be home. Than, of course, is over the ...

surprise party and surprise homecoming

It's 1 AM Saturday morning and I'm sitting in Denver Airport.  I am on my way home to surprise Than, so I won't be able to post this blog until I'm actually home.  Deb Wilkenson is my partner in crime for surprising Than by picking me up at the airport and delivering me to Winfield.  It was suppose to happen at Hickory Fest, and be able to surprise a lot of other folks, but Than's health made his going to the festival impossible.  Since I haven't been home for four months, I figure I should stay home too. The really big thing that happened was the surprise going away party for me in our Obsidian lounge.  Rose and Steve, along with a few other helpers planned a surprise party.  I sort of spoiled it by showing up too early with only Steve and Rose in the room,  but nonetheless, it took me by surprise, to say the least.  I was so touched by the efforts and the outcome.  I thought I was going to swim out of the room because of all the tears I k...