Better than hand lotion

Well, I am no longer a dishwasher, thank goodness.  after 3 days on the job, I knew it was just too hard for me.  I hate to say I'm too old for the physical side of the job, but reality raises it ugly head sometimes and bites you on the butt.  the really amazing and surprising thing is that folks here came out of the woodwork to help me find something more suited to my talents and capabilities.  I will still be in F & B, food and beverage, but at the Geyser Grill.  it is the closest thing to a fast food restaurant that is in this section of the park.

At the Geyser Grill, I will be in the front end, working with tourists, running the cash register, keeping the place looking good.  There will be a total of about 20-25 people work there when it is fully staffed.  Chris, my new manager, said that we have rushes every 90 minutes or so, depending on when Old Faithful goes off.  I guess seeing all that water and steam makes people hungry.

This evening, all F&B staff are invited to a shake-down dinner at the Snow Lodge, one of the 3 formal dining rooms in this section of Yellowstone.  To explain, there is the Old Faithful Inn, the oldest and most familiar building, Old Faithful Lodge, and Old Faithful Snow Lodge.  I think who ever named the places was at a loss for originality for names.

I'm slowly getting used to the altitude.  I still huff and puff when it's a quick walk across the grounds.  Every time we have any sort of meeting, or training, we are told to be sure we drink enough water and to wash our hands. I guess they want us to stay healthy.

Pictures tomorrow, I promise.  I get a new uniform tomorrow, too.


  1. I expected to be a tutu and a bodysuit or something. Have to see a picture of you. I think you have the right job.


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