Ice Cream Social and hiking

I finally did the hike to Observation Point.  it really was worth the hike.  I tried, successfully, to time my hike to coincide with Old Faithful eruption.  These are just some neat pictures along the way.

Also, there was and ice cream social in our rec room/lounge this evening, maybe 18 to 20 people.  As luck has it, I actually missed the meeting, arriving just as everyone was clapping for the little speech our RC, Residential Coordinator just finished..  Of course, I took advantage of the clapping, bowing and giving my Princess wave.  That was well received by the group.

The road to Observation Point

Rustic walkways

View along the way

Old Faithful from Observation Point

view along the way

 Another geyser, don't know the name

Crazy hikers 1/2 of the way up

Neat rocks

More of old faithful

More neat rocks along the way


  1. Boy, you're getting good at this picture thing. What a beautiful place.

  2. I can completely imagine you entering on applause and doing your queen wave,,very funny! Glad you are getting out about..great photos.


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