Off we go somewhere

This is Ronald.  I mention him a few times, but never a photo so I'm adding his smiling face to this blog on 8/23/19
Good news.  I now have Friday and Saturday as my days off which match up with my roomie, Rose, who has a car and likes to go places.  We don't have specific plans, but trying to see Red Dogs, the nickname for baby bison, is high on the list.  She isn't an avid hiker, but neither am I, so it could be a match made in heaven.  One or two miles, three on the outside is about right for both of us.  And I think there's about a million miles of trails in the whole park, not to mention Grand Teton National Park, a mere 50 miles away.

We still have only one register at work, which makes for really long lines.  For the most part, folk are ok with standing in line for 20 minutes or more.  Since I have tomorrow off, (Wednesday) I don't really care.  The IT guy swears he'll be there tomorrow.  I told my manager, Chris, that I'm going to hang around just to see the pigs fly.  He thinks I have an amusing way of saying things.

Right now, there are about 6-7 folks sitting around the lounge.  Christine has music playing and we're discussing one of the guys who was "removed" aka fired and kicked out because of excessive drinking and being a general nuisance, and not showing up for work frequently.  He was given a few chances, but alcoholism is a tough one to deal with.  His sister lives in Cody, so that's were they took him.  It's kind of sad, really.  When he was sober, he was kind of amusing in a colorful sort of way.

A whole bunch of international students have just started here in various positions.  They'll be here for 2-3 months.  We have a guy from Zimbabwe working at the Geyser Grill.  His name is Ronald.  I expected something more exotic.  We've chatted a bit, but not too much details yet.  He's really kind of cute, early 20's, and has a neat accent, almost British.

No specific plans for tomorrow, but I'll keep you posted.


  1. I like it when you catch me up on what you were up to out there. But no pictures? Maybe after tomorrow.


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