Sunday evening

Well, it was a really busy day at work, mostly because one of the two registers was not working.  It really slowed down service, many folks asking why we wouldn't open it up.  I felt like saying, "what a great idea!! I wish I had thought of it."  There was a steady line, many times out the door, from 11 AM until about 4:30.  It slowed to a trickle, but I was off at 5 PM, so it didn't affect me much.

I went to a pow-wow on Saturday in Cody, Wyoming.  It was really cool.  The costumes were great and the dancing and performing interesting.  There were 15-10 craft stands with all handmade items.  I bought myself a neat bracelet, and a few other babbles.  There was Indian Fried Bread, but the line was always too long and I was happy with the pulled pork sandwich.  Pictures were difficult because of the pop-up tents that were allowed on the parade grounds edges.  I also couldn't edit out the stuff I didn't want. .

I also took some pictures on the road through Wyoming. The mountains change to some really different styles.  Very cool. We also saw another bear, but I couldn't get a photo. 

And I finally have the bear pictures, too.  He was just standing around eating flowers.  How very cool. 

I have been having trouble with both wifi and telephone, so I hope that this blog gets through.  we are all having trouble, so we're blaming it on Pence's visit last week.



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Yellowstone Lake



  1. Wonderful pictures, thank you even the bow wow looks pretty good. And how can you be afraid of a Grizzly eating flowers?


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