Over the past few years, friends have invited Than and me to a Halloween Party that is a weekend event. I mentioned Wonderland in a previous blog. Than has gone once or twice, but has opted out the last few years. This year, as serendipity has it, Pam's SO had to work so we shared her camper. By my sleeping in the bed that is usually a table, we discovered a roof leak Saturday night during a storm. I woke up to 2 or 3 square feet of wet mattress, corner of the wonderful down comforter Pam provided, and half of my pillow, but I digress. The party itself is also a birthday celebration of one of the land owners, Kirk. So much fun. About 30-40 overnight campers including about 15 "kids" (16 to 25 or so) who camped in or near the huge teepee close by the fire pit and the campers surrounding it including 3 buses turned campers.
Mike, one of the other guests, was marveling at the bubble we were in, how so many folks from so many different backgrounds can come together and celebrate, isolated from the rest of the world. I frequently refer to this group as my Share Friends, since we met at a Share festival. Thank you Kirk and Trish.
The food at the party was Halloween themed and lots of it. I made Bloody Eyeballs and deviled eggs. Unfortunately, the egg yolk filling just about liquefied overnight and didn't fill the egg whites properly. therefore, the olive spiders that were suppose to go on top didn't sit properly. it look more like olive flowers. We were calling it cold deviled egg soup in edible bowls. The Bloody Eyeballs were chocolate phylo individual cups filled with cheese cake filling and a cherry on top. It looked good and tasted great. that was the easiest filling I ever made--1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 2-8 oz.cream cheese, 1 TBS lemon juice. Just put it in the mixer and beat it. I'll bet a food processor would work, too. I works great in individual cups, but I didn't try it in a graham cracker crust the original recipe that I called for. No baking either.
because it was also a birthday celebration, there were great cakes, very good and very creative. Pictures below. also pictured is Marina, the daughter of Share folks, who is significantly challenged. Her family figured out what cartoon character she wanted to be for Halloween by offering YES or NO or NEITHER, one of the few ways she can communicate and does it by rolling her eyes left for yes and right for no and closing them for neither. Knowing her taste in movies, when "How to Train your Dragon" was one of the choices and Yes was the answer, it was just a matter of time until the figured out which one. I don't remember, but the photo might jog your memory.
I got the last of the 150 bulb into the ground today. I may still transplant some Hosta before the ground freezes. Mel is bringing me some Geraniums that the owner does want. Good Old Mel. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Marina in her Dragon Costume. |
I was the Little Red-Haired Girl from the Peanuts Cartoon. Last year I had a red hair wig so was "assigned" to be her. Unfortunately, I misplaced it, imagine that, so Pam, pictured with me, helped me spray paint it red. it washed out the next day, but not until after I smeared it all over my face, (the leaking camper didn't help) showing up for my morning appearance for coffee looking rather strange. The hair was also sticking out all over--a real glamour shot-not. |
Pam standing in front of the camper. This folds down to a regular looking pull behind pop-up camper, which is exactly what it is. |
My hair complete with a hair bow, a common accessory of her. Pam is bombing the picture. All weekend long it was a game to bomb folks pictures. |
The turkey vulture cake |
Sandy, the cake maker |
Steve goofing off |
Pumpkin patch birthday cake |
Firepit and folks hanging around it. |
A great group of people and a big happy birthday to Kirk. And anybody else you had a birthday that weekend, and anybody who had a birthday this year.