Latest info on Yellowstone crew

yesterday, Friday, I had a phone date with Brenda. We chatted for about 45 minutes, catching up and comparing notes.  Right now she is in northern Florida, about 5 hours north of home base, but there is a big storm coming in so she is staying put for now.  She is off until December 1st and expects to be taken into the park by snowcoach as no vehicles are permitted in most of the park. I can't wait to hear about it. it would be cool to visit, but no way would I consider staying and working there.Brenda really likes Betty Boop so I sent her these pictures.

I have the doll sitting on a form that taxidermist would use for an otter model.  They sit on a small wooden table at the bottom of the steps, so every time I come down the steps, I can't help but see it.  It makes me smile.  Especially Betty's expression!

Christine is still at Yellowstone until early November, 4 weeks off and returning on December.  Christine works in the EDR, employee dining room, so there are always folks needed to work in the EDR. Julie and Steve are at home, looking for the next adventure.  Steve has mentioned Key West, but one never knows.
Brenda, Christine and Lora


  1. Love it! Missing you mama, loved catching up with you xxxooo

  2. It's nice getting to know your friends Margaret. Sounds like a good bunch. Dangerous but good.


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