SHARE fest

Than and I met up with a bunch of our camping friends for a weekend of music, food and friendship--Sharefest.   We were at Shade Gap, PA, Fire Company grounds.  Camping is in an open field, but the music and food area is under a lovely grove of trees.  The is a large covered stage and audience pavilion with a nice dance floor and maybe 10 other out buildings that are used as a kitchen, food areas, but most are not used.  There were maybe 20 vendors, many selling their hand-made items.  The food is provided by the festival itself, along with many activities for kids and adults alike.  All in all, it is my favorite music festival.  We had a very good time. The last band on Saturday night had a marvelous light show. The next gathering with many of these folks is a Halloween Party where many people camp for the weekend, too.  I'm camping, but Than may only come for the actual party.  It is at our friends land--75 acres somewhere between Duncannon and Carlisle. I added some photos from the festival.

The Celebration of the life of Steve Mitchell is happening on Friday.  We think we have a handle on it, although there is a lot to do this week.  Stu is heading it up and doing his usual good job.

I heard from Brenda and Rose at Yellowstone about the recent snow storm there. They only had 6-8 inches making it rather pretty.  judging from their photos, it looks a lot like it did when Brenda and I first arrived in April, except there were huge piles of snow still around the buildings.  Rose arrived just before Memorial Day so only saw the snow on Summer Solstice.  She's from California and doesn't see much snow. Either does Brenda, being from Florida.  But she grew up in New York and served in Korea while in the Army. 

i was playing around with night photos, and these 2 are the best. 

Many folks go all out decorating with lights.  There is also a Star Garden that is brilliant light display, but I didn't get any photos of it.


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