WiFi, thanks to Theresa

As you may have noticed, i haven't been blogging recently as i didn't have WiFi.  But now i do.  Theresa, our security person did her magic and voila, here it is.

I'll start back on Thursday, April 18.  Gary took me to the bus stop where about 35 folks were waiting for the big Yellowstone Bus.  we went to Gardnier, where the whole process started.  First it was uniforms, than photo ID, then lunch, quite good. the afternoon was spent getting rooms, getting to the rooms and unpacking.   While we were waiting for everyone to finish, there  were about a dozen elk in a nearby field.  How cool.  I've also seen a bunch of buffalo, perhaps a herd would be a better term.

I am currently in Obsidian Residence.  it is an older building with 4 women sharing the same bathroom.  it actually isn't as bad as it sounds or as bad as i first thought it was.  amazing how one can adjust.  there is a big lounge just off my room where other employees gather to socialize, complete jigsaw puzzles, read or just chill.  About 1/3 of the employees are return employees, many with double digits for working here.  the Employee Dining Room (EDR) is a stones throw away, as is the place I will be working--Snow Lodge.  Old Faithful is about a 5 minute walk, and is still impressive every time i see it.

I have been doing orientation since then. Going over the safety rules, etc,  Everyone goes through this training, and then it starts funneling down to each workstation. 

I will be working in the kitchen, KC-Kitchen Crew. but I still don't know exactly what i will be doing.  I do know that I have a cool Chef's hat  and will attach a photo tomorrow (Sunday) when i have to actually show up in the kitchen in full uniform. 

There is still a lot of snow piled up here.  Most of the park is not open, but slowly will as each place gets staffed.  What a process. 

i'm meeting bunches of people, some are even my age!!  i was afraid that i would be the oldest.  Not so. 

i will add photos tomorrow, as I can't seem to make my phone spit them out today.  Where is Theresa when i need her.  More tomorrow.


  1. We all missed you on the blog. it still sounding like a great adventure Keep 'em comin'.


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