We had our Sunday of Labor Day Party, on Sunday obviously. The weather held out pretty much. There was only one time when umbrellas had to go up and only for 15 minutes or so. I heard there were a few storms in the area, but it didn't rain here until middle of the night. I didn't hear that either.
The party itself was great. I was hugged by folks every time I turned around. Deb and Mike with the grill, hot dogs, and hamburgers made the food super easy, and super good. The hamburgers were getting rave reviews. Deb and Mike were willing to share the secret. Start with regular flat beef patties, season with a salt, pepper. garlic powder mixture. reshape the patty in your hands to form a ball, then re-flatten into a patty. Mmmmm.
I wore my Yellowstone T-shirt at the party so a lot of folks were reading it and asking questions. So many of my Obsidian Hall buddies who signed the shirt were talked about quite a bit. It was fun talking about Yellowstone. I really miss living there a lot sometimes. So talking about the day to day stuff (much of what are in this blog if one bothered to read it) was somewhat comforting. Some people here can't wait to meet Brenda. The general consensus is that Brenda should do a blog, too. Especially about living through the winter there.
There were so many people who helped us get ready for this party, I can't imagine how we could possible do it without our community of friends helping us. The party itself has become a community party. Just luck that it's held at our home. A win-win if I ever heard one. Seven people even camped overnight so there was additional help the next day in getting everything taken down from the party--pop-ups, lights, trash, recyclables and help finish off the party left overs. Again, a win-win.
A bunch of party photos. I still don't know how to get them in the proper place so they may be out of order. I'm sure you'll figure that out. It really is nice to be able to post photos, thanks to our wifi. I tried doing the blog from the river, but I couldn't get a connection. Felt like YNP.
cormorants on the river Tuesday 9/3 |
day after dragon |
Motley clean-up crew 9/2 |
River Birch after getting attention from friend Danny S |
Kenny's cool drum set-up |
Todd at his finest |
Annie can't even be caught still enough by camera.It can't possibly be me?? |
Really shredding it |
Steve aka SG our sound guy. |
Steve and Richard. Richard is the guy who showed up 2 or 3 times daily to walk the dog since Than was ill. Than is feeling much better, but Richard shows up, walks the dog. They both seem to enjoy it. Thanks. Richard. father of SG , you are the best. |
Party in full swing |
Inside Garage |
Rain for about 15 minutes. About 5 minutes after we put up an additional Pop-up |
Me, Margaret, with husband Than. that is the cowboy hat I wore at the cowboy cookout along with the raven feather I stole from YNP |
Mike and Deb at the grill--Jeannine to the left of this photo, and Jimmy barely visible in the background. |
Just an audience shot. |
One of the gathering areas, under the unblella |
dessert table |
food table |
deck all cleaned up before the party. It is actually an "after" shot of yesterday's blog. we'll call it a before/after photo |
Pre-party-I thought it was rather neat with the umbrella and the trees. |
Tuesday morning after the Sunday party was still a crazy day as the boat had to come out of the water, there was still musical stuff in the garage and still beer in the big blue cooler. Than and I took our last ride of the season. We were able to get rather close to the cormorants and included a few photos. Just as I turned my head, they took off and I missed the photo op. He is always unhappy about taking out the boat. Then people kept showing up. Murry, Jim for a ride that never materialized, Maggie, Stu, Richard, SG , Deb and Rick to pick up the grill, our neighbor with his truck. All in all, a crazy day.
cormorants on 9/3 |
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