Celebration of Life

Yesterday, Friday, we had a Celebration of Life of Steve Mitchell.  What a great event! It was held at the Campus Theater, a beautiful restored theater in downtown Lewisburg. The event had musicians on stage from 4:30 until about 10:30, a nice spread of finger foods, commemorative glasses for sale ($10) with complimentary wine or beer. The theater was decorated with balloons and 2" by 8" blue strips of papers printed with various compliments, e.g. wow, you are looking great, or What a great hairstyle that sort of thing.  Get it?  Complimentary Beer and Wine.  The music was laced with various speakers talking about Steve and his importance in their lives. Andy S had a great photo show projected to a screen above the bands. It showed photos of Steve over the years.  Every now and then it was a video, too.  Sometimes it almost looked like Steve was playing with the musicians on stage. It was a great way to say good-bye to a very special person. May he rest in peace.  Enjoy a few pictures from the event.

Long view from the mezzanine showing some of the features of the theater 

Closer view showing Steve 

Murry being attacked by balloons

Rose wanted to see a view of the van with the party decor and food

Marque at the Campus

Longer view

I had a CAT scan the other day of my troublesome left ear.  As I was laying in the machine, a white mechanism sort of goes around my head.  I couldn't help asking the technician, "Is that white part where the cats live?"  He barely chuckled. When I said that I assume he's heard that before, then he gave a genuine laugh.  Funny how that works sometimes.


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