Mammoth adventure

The previous blog, I mentioned Mammoth Springs, but didn't include any picture. It was so beautiful, with such different colors and plants, still mostly pole pines, but some neat flowers. One of the highlights of the trip was eating at the Mammoth Spring Dining room. We actually had a choice of what to eat, someone brought it to the table, and probably most impressively, we had real plates and cups with handles. At the EDR we had plastic trays and only plastic glasses--(is that an oxymoron??) I had Elk Sliders. MMmmm. Of course it cost real money, but it was well worth it. My suite mate Brenda is moving to another room. One of our mutual friends, Christine, is having issues with crappy roommates and Brenda isn't happy with her current roommate, although she isn't crappy. So Brenda moving down the hall makes sense. Since I'm very happy with my roomie, and she with me, I'll have to see how many suite mates I can go through. T...