Hiking photos
I was suppose to go on a hike today, but the ringleader canceled out. There are still a few trails in this area I haven't been on yet, but I didn't go today. I did sign up for a trip to Jackson Hole area and another trip to a Pow-wow in Cody. the Jackson Hole trip is basically a shopping trip, but a few of us from Obsidian are going together and making it a girls day out. As for the Pow-wow, I've been told it is the real deal and well worth making the time to go. It is in Cody. Last night was a beautifully clear night with the Milky Way quite visible. I didn't see it, but I heard it was great. They turn out the lights in most of the parking areas to make it even better. Attached are some photos from yesterday's hike. As Than said, I could tell you they are from anytime as the trees never change here. The majority of the forest is Pole Pines. I did see a Yellow-bellied Marmot, but truth be told, I only knew it because ...